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Lesson 40 Presentations --- FOUR BASIC PRESENTATION STEPS
Grammar Pattern

formulate a strategy for the specific audience

develop a flexible, flowing structure

combined prepared material with an enhancing, not distracting, presentation style; it is important to remember that how you present is as important as what you present.

supplement the presentation with confident, informed responses to questions and challenges


understand your purpose and role: It is critical to be clear about your purpose in the communication. This involves knowing your audience, the occasion, and the expectations of your audience. Knowing the audience will be a critical determinant in what information is presented and how it is presented.

tailor your message to the audience - understand their needs, desires, knowledge level, attitude toward your topic

be concrete, specific, practical, and relevant

clarify your objectives - is it to motivate? ... inform? ... persuade? ... teach? - each calls for a different approach

clarify what role you will be performing - coach? advocate? teach? be devil's advocate, watch dog, or messenger?

develop a logically compelling case for your plan - how will it help resolve a pressing problem, advance a salient value, or help

reach a common goal

research your topic



Once you know what you want to say, you need to consolidate the materials into a meaningful message. You can't assume that the information will speak for itself. Your audience is capable of hearing your information in very different ways based on your organization and presentation.

The audience needs to have these basic questions answered.

Why should I pay attention to you when I can think about more interesting things?
Now that I am listening, why should I care about this issue?
I agree with the significance of the topic, but how are you justifying your ideas?
So, now that I am convinced, what do you want from me?
The following lists some points to think about when organizing your ideas

begin by placing your topic in context; you might want to provide an outline or a road map

provide the intended, expected benefits, organization of the presentation, and ground rules -

organize the body of the presentation logically - make it easy to follow - go from the simple to the complex

when appropriate, plan ways to encourage audience participation

maintain credibility: discuss the pros and cons

conclude on a "high note" - include an overall summary and proposed actions or options

incorporate visual aids effectively (see box below) - don't let mechanics of presentation interfere with your message

prepare for contingencies - - practice your presentation and prepare for contingencies - rehearse

think about what might happen and prepare - what if the overhead bulb blows out;... what if the audience is more prepared than you expected ... what if there is an unexpected question - - if a disruption is particularly obtrusive, you might relieve the tension with a joke or humorous comment


Effective presenters recognize that communication is both intellectual and emotional. Organizing your ideas is part of the task. The other is to gain and maintain attention. The following lists some basic techniques to maintain attention: -

convey "controlled enthusiasm" for your subject - the audience will forgive a lot if the speaker is enthusiastic -pay attention to

posture, tone; don't lean

your audience will mirror your attitude - radiate confidence without preaching

don't confuse enthusiasm with loudness; try to convey a range of emotions from concern, anticipation, excitement, dismay

where appropriate, candidly discuss pros and cons; explain advantages first; present risks or challenges;

Are You Distracting the Audience and Drawing Attention away from your Message?

When we want the audience to focus on what we have to say rather than on us, it is important to think about anything that might detract from our message. This can be a sensitive issue since some of these factors are personal or "part of who we are."

Regional accents or colloquialisms: If we are in an audience of people who share our "accent" no one will notice. However, if we are in a more general audience, our accent may make the audience focus on this rather than our message. This is not to say that you should abandon your ethnic or regional identity and individuality; however, you need to be aware of the impact of accents on audience. This can be done positively as the Kennedys have done; but more often these mannerisms tend to detract negatively. We don't have to all talk alike but we need to know how we are perceived.

physical mannerisms: speakers who pace, pound the podium, jingle change in their pockets, or do other things can focus attention on themselves rather than the subject; sometimes this can be done for affect, but more often it is inadvertent and distracting. voice tone: Professional speakers generally emphasize the lower registers of their voices (both men and women) and avoid dramatic variations in the pitches of their voices. Occasionally this "rule" can be broken for affect. clothing and jewelry: same as under regional accents

Keeping your audience's interest

provide variety and relief if possible; novelty and uniqueness will increase the impact alternative moving and standing still, speaking and listening, doing and thinking; use physical space and body movement to enhance your message try to add stories, anecdotes, testimonials, analogies, demonstrations use humor appropriately - make it in good taste presentations are movies not snapshots; prepare the space for movement try to position yourself to enhance rapport with the audience eye contact is your primary tool for establishing audience involvement; look at your audience in random rotating order use gestures naturally; do what is natural to you: some gestures are wrong - jingling change in a pocket, toying with notes, shifting from one foot to the other; any repeated gesture Once you obtain attention, you must retain it. Audiences members drift in and out, without giving complete attention all the time. You need to help the audience refocus periodically. The following are some examples:
I will give the three basic reasons why change is needed
Transitions such as now that we have analyzed the problem, we need to look at the possible solutions.
Conclusions: the discussion so far leads to this final thought...
Straightforward Conclusion: ...if you enact this program, three basic benefits will result...




ask "friendly" questions - don't use questions to embarrass or badger; avoid known "sore spots"
avoid asking risky questions - that is, questions that may imply lack of knowledge or intelligence
make the interchange a mutually satisfying experience; give respondents time to think and phrase their answer; help people save face by summarizing what they have said so far and asking if anyone else has something to add
don't let respondent wander or attempt to take control of the presentation; a polite "thank you, that's what I was looking for" can get you back on track
if extensive audience discussion is desired, avoid isolated one-on-one dialogues with specific individuals
when challenged, be candid and firm but avoid over responding
maintain control of the session
be firm and assertive without being aggressive or defensive
don't let interruptions disrupt your composure
avoid circumstances that require an apology
anticipate questions and prepare responses; rehearse answers to difficult questions
if necessary, offer to obtain additional information and follow up
use questions to strengthen your main arguments-answer questions candidly but positively link objections to attractive features
avoid rhetorical questions - ask interesting questions that are thought provoking but not too difficult to answer
ask some open ended question with no right or wrong answers - encourage sharing experiences, feelings, opinions
put "you" elements into questions - make them relevant to the audience's personal experience
prepare key questions prior to the presentation; it is difficult to think of good questions on your feet Guideline for Answering Questions
Anticipate Questions: think of the ten most likely questions and plan out your answer
Understand the Question: paraphrase it if necessary; repeat it if needed
Plan the Answer: particularly if you anticipated the question
Do Not Digress
Be Honest: if you can't answer the question, say so
Reinterpret Loaded Questions: if attcked try to show the similarity to other situations
Control Interchanges: if a questionner becomes a heckler try to enlist the audience; if a questioner digresses, try to remind the audience of the goal of the presentation
Use the Last Question to Summarize

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Conclusion: A Checklist for your Presentation
You owe your audience and yourself a good presentation, but creating an effective presentation takes planning and practice, so some final pointers

Start preparing early; don't wait until the last few days to prepare

prepare it early, let it rest a little bit and come back to it
practice your entire presentation-including your slides
if you can practice it before a group of colleagues or friends
Think about Your Audience:

who are they and why are they here;
what are their interests;
what do they know; what do they want to know; what is a worthwhile investment in their time
Be clear about your purpose:

are you informing or persuading;
tell them what you are going to do, tell them, tell them what you told them;
what do you want the audience to know, feel, or believe afterwards
Use an Effective Introduction:

orient the audience; explain why it is important; set the tone,
establish a relationship between the speaker and the audience; establish credibility;
avoid weak introductions such as apologies, jokes, rhetorical questions
Organize your presentation clearly and simply:

Prioritize topics and allocate time accordingly
stick to only 3-5 main points;
have a well thought pattern (examples are problem/solution, chronological, cause and effect, topical); use transitions to move smoothly from one point to the next
Use supporting materials to flesh out main points

Use examples, statistics, expert opinions, anecdotes
Compose for the Ear, not for the Eye:

use simple words, simple sentences, markers, repetition, images, personal language ("You" and "I")
Create an Effective Conclusion:

summarize, set final image, provide closure; don't trail off, don't use trite phrases
don't just present data or summarized results and leave the audience to draw its own conclusions
you have had much more time to work with your information than your audience; share your insight and understanding and tell them what you've concluded from your work
Sound spontaneous, conversational, enthusiastic-

use key phrases in your notes so you don't have to read, use the overhead instead of notes;
vary volume, don't be afraid of silence, don't use fillers like "um"...
Practice, Practice, Practice
Use Body Language Effectively: relaxed gestures, eye contact; don't play with a pen or pointer,

don't block visual aids
Use Visual Aids to Enhance the Message:

you will probably need to use overhead transparancies in your presentation but to be effective, they must be designed and used properly
use visuals to reinforce and clarify, not overwhelm;
keep visual aids uncluttered; use titles to guide the audience
if you use tapes or disks, make sure the equipment is compatible
Analyze the Environment:

check out size of room, placement of chairs, time of day, temperature, distractions
check out AV equipment ahead of time; have a spare bulb
Cope with Stage Fright by Remembering: it's normal; it can be helpful, everyone feels it

Engleberg (1994) proposes a 7 P approach to the principles of public speaking. You might find these helpful.
Purpose:- Why are you speaking? What do you want audience members to know, think, believe, or do as a result of your presentation
People : Who is your audience? How do the characteristics, skills, opinions, and behaviors of your audience affect your purpose
Place: Why are you speaking to this group now and in this place? How can you plan and adapt to the logistics of this place. How can you use visual aids to help you achieve your purpose
Preparation Where and how can you find good ideas and information for your speech? How much and what kind of supporting materials do you need.
Planning: Is there a natural order to the ideas and information you will use? What are the most effective ways to organize your speech in order to adapt it to the purpose, people, place, etc.
Personality: How do you become associated with your message in a positive way? What can you do to demonstrate your competence, charisma, and character to the audience?
Performance: What form of delivery is best suited to the purpose of your speech. What delivery techniques will make your presentation more effective. How should you practice?

Further Reading
Antonoff, Michael, "Presentations that Persuade", Personal Computing, 27 July 1990, 60-68.
Benjamin, James and Raymie E. McKerrow, Business and Professional Communication, Harper Collins, New York, 1994.
Engleberg, Isa N. The Principles of Public Presentation, Harper Collins, New York, 1994.
Osborn, M. and S. Osborn, Public Speaking, Houghton-Mifflin, Boston, 1988.
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Supplemental Information


An Outline for your Presentation

What? - overview of presentation (use visual aids if necessary)
Why? - purpose of presentation - why subject is important
How? - format you will use; what can the audience expect to see & learn
Who? - if more than one person, provide introductions and indicate roles - don't
expect audience to memorize these

The following list suggests alternative formats for presenting information: multiple formats can be used within a single presentation: -
rhetorical - questions and answers
logical progression - indicate steps e.g. A then B then C
time series - order information from beginning to end, earlier to later, and so on
compare and contrast - use same structure to compare different events, individuals or situations
problems and solutions; don't present problems without working toward some recommended action
simple to complex - use successive building blocks to communicate complex processes or concepts
deductive reasoning - moving from general principles or values to specific applications or examples
inductive reasoning - from specific applications/examples to reach general principles or conclusions

review, highlight and emphasize - key points, benefits, recommendations
draw conclusions - where are we? ... what does all of this mean? ... what's the next step?


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