TO: [Peer]
FROM: [Name]
DATE: [ ]
I have encountered a difficult situation relating to our business office and hope that you can shed some light on the problem and suggest how to deal with it. [I turned in our department’s monthly financial report two days before it was due. Today, a week after the due date, the business manager called to ask why he had not yet received my report. I sent him another copy, which he dates stamped with today’s date. He also complained to my supervisor about the late document]
Today was not the first time this happened, and there have been other incidents – [like misplacing the travel vouchers submitted by my subordinates, miscalculating their mileage reimbursements, and even arguing about the amount of petty cash I used to buy donuts for a meeting with clients.]
Have you experienced similar problems? How can I improve my relationship with the business office?
I really would appreciate your perspective on this situation.
TO: [Peer]
FROM: [Name]
DATE: [ ]
I have encountered a difficult situation relating to our business office and hope that you can shed some light on the problem and suggest how to deal with it. [I turned in our department’s monthly financial report two days before it was due. Today, a week after the due date, the business manager called to ask why he had not yet received my report. I sent him another copy, which he dates stamped with today’s date. He also complained to my supervisor about the late document]
Today was not the first time this happened, and there have been other incidents – [like misplacing the travel vouchers submitted by my subordinates, miscalculating their mileage reimbursements, and even arguing about the amount of petty cash I used to buy donuts for a meeting with clients.]
Have you experienced similar problems? How can I improve my relationship with the business office?
I really would appreciate your perspective on this situation.