1335 University Ave., Apt. 445
Rockville, MD 20847
6 July 1998
Ms. Joan Wannabe
Human Resources
District #743
Mosquito, MN 56310
Dear Ms. Wannabe:
I am writing to apply for a job teaching language arts at the secondary level in your excellent school district. I am particularly interested in a position that allows me to use my work on the student newspaper here at Rockville State University and on student newsletters for various organizations. I am also qualified to advise student organizations and extracurricular activities such as Knowledge Bowl, Honor Society, yearbook, creative publications, and student government. Even though I am getting my degree in Maryland, in fact I was born in Minnesota and desire to go back there to live.
As my resume shows, I have been very active on university publications. As Opinions editor at the University newspaper, the Chronicle, I used QuarkXpress to design layout of two pages of every edition, formulated editorial policy, wrote weekly editorials and essays, hired and supervised columnists and cartoonists, and scheduled and led weekly editorial board meetings. My resume also shows my work on literary magazines and in journalism contests as well as desktop publishing seminars for other students.
Other campus activities have been important to my life here, and I would like to support their importance in the school where I teach. In particular, the Knowledge Bowl has been important to me, both as a coach and judge. Other of my campus activities might be important to you as well: Voice of Teacher Education Students (VOTES), the University Honors Program (President, 1996-1997; Recruitment Secretary, 1997-1998), and Girls Into Women, a mentoring program for at-risk high-school girls.
I will have my Maryland certification in English, journalism, and speech by the end of summer school. I have written the State of Minnesota to determine the steps I must take to be certified in Minnesota as well. I am particularly proud of my G.P.A. at Rockville State: 3.78 on a four-point scale.
I will be returning to my parents' house in Rochester, Minnesota, as soon as school is out (August 19). You may reach me at my school address, listed above and on my resume, or in Rochester, at
Babs Malone
3552 Jefferson Court
Rochester, MN 55901
The telephone number here in Rockville is (240) 555-1234. In Rochester, my phone number will be (507) 555-2345. I look forward to hearing from you.
Babs Malone