Take a look at the new breed of international managers, educated according to the most modern management philosophies. They all know that in SBU, TQM should reign, with products delivered JIT, where CFTs distribute products while subject to MBO.
Management really is – truth that can be applied anywhere, under any circumstances? Even with experienced international companies many well – intended universal application of management theory have turned out badly. For example, pay for performance has in many instances has been a failure on the African continent because there are particular, though unspoken, rules about the sequence and timing o rewards and promotions. Similarly, management – by – objectives schemes have generally failed within subsidiaries of multinationals in southern Europe, because managers have not wanted to conform to the abstract nature of preconceived policy guidelines.
Even the notion of human resource management is difficult to translate to the other cultures, coming as it does from a typically Anglo – Saxon doctrine. It borrows from economics the idea that human beings are resources are like physical and monetary resources. It trends to assume almost unlimited capacities for individual development. In countries without these beliefs, this concept is hard to grasp and unpopular once it is understood.
1. Breed - a number of persons of the same stock;
2. Management - the act or art of managing : the conducting or supervising of something (as a business); judicious use of means to accomplish an end.
3. Philosophies - all learning exclusive of technical precepts and practical arts;a discipline comprising as its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology; the most general beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of a individual or group.
4. SBU – Strategic business units.
5. TQM – total quality management
6. JIT – just-in-time
7. CFT – customers first team
8. MBO – management by objectives.
9. Subsidiaries - a company wholly controlled by another.
10. Multinationals - many times over; more than two
11. Preconceived - to form (as an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience.