Step 1: Visitor introduces himself and says that he has an appointment with a person.
Step 2: Receptionist welcomes the visitor and explains that the person will be here
Step 3: Receptionist offers a drink/refreshment.
Step 4: Visitor declines and asks if he can use the phone.
Step 5: Receptionist says "yes"/offers fax as well.
Step 6: Visitor declines and says that he only needs the phone.
Step 7: Receptionist shows/leads the visitor to the phone.
Step 8: Visitor thanks the receptionist.
Afew minutes later..................
Step 9: Receptionist offers any other help.
Step 10: Visitor asks assistance or question.
Step 11: Receptionist immediately respond to the questions and requests of the visitor.
Step 12: Visitor thanks the receptionist.